Ode to a Ruffler Foot

I've loved to sew from clear back in Home Ec.
But ruffles are one thing that make me a wreck
All of my nerves start in to twitch
At merely the words, "run a gathering stitch."

But three little daughters make ruffles a need
For princess dresses & tutus they plead
So one day, while I was browsing online
A ruffle foot I was delighted to find

It ruffles and pleats all on its own!
Just slide in the fabric & gathers are sewn
How did I not know about this device?
For ready-made ruffles I'd pay any price.

Luckily it only cost about 20 bucks
Now I'm happily sewing ruffles & tucks
It took time and it broke needles figuring it out
But I'd hate to go back to living without

O Ruffler foot, you're my new bestest friend!
Together, our projects will know no end!

Next time I post, I'll show what my crazy ruffler foot and I have been up to.  It is a TON of fun!


  1. Okay I have to get one of these now! love the new background too btw :)

  2. Thanks Kathy! I'm glad you like the new blog look.
    Yeah, I'm a little crazy about the ruffler foot thing, but I truly and deeply hate gathering. It isn't perfect, and I had to play around a lot with the tension to get it to ruffle and attach at the same time - plus YouTube video tutorials are helpful. But I'm loving my foot now - obviously, since I'm writing stupid poems to it!! My mind is odd like that :-)
