#SuperheroMoms UNITE!! Vitamix Blender Giveaway

I love moms. I mean, who doesn't? That would be ridiculous.
But the longer I'm a mom, the more I love moms for different reasons.

Sure, there are the typical poems read every Mother's Day honoring the late night sacrifices, the diaper duty, the vomit cleanup, the mess - as well as the cards and tributes that raise moms to a saint-like status of perfection.

But what I'm talking about is the beauty of individual mothering. How there isn't one right way to be a mom. And how lovely and inspiring it is to watch the women around me mother their children in such diverse and fantastic ways.

Moms are Superheroes! 
As a tribute to Superhero Moms everywhere, Coupons.com is giving away a Vitamix blender (oh, I hope I win!  I've wanted one for SUCH a long time!!)  Their reasoning? Because even Superheroes need a boost :)
In addition to the giveaway, you can take a quiz to see what kind of #SuperheroMom you are.  I took it and I'm Elasti-girl.  Funny thing is, I've always known that if I were a superhero I'd be Elasti-girl, because of my hyper mobility syndrome.  I'm literally more stretchy ;)

What kind of SuperheroMom are you?
Take the quiz and let me know!  I'm curious like that. Comment here - or on Facebook with the hashtag #SuperheroMom.

(And just so you know, check out the coupons at the bottom of the page.  Especially if you don't have a Mother's day gift yet. I'm using one to save on a gift for my Mother-in-law!  Yay!!)

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